strapdown: '/styling/strapdown/v/0.2/strapdown.js'};
<h2>Contents</h2> <p>This directory contains processed data files from</p> <p> <a href=""> Prediction of Regulatory Interactions from Genome Sequences Using a Biophysical Model for the Arabidopsis LEAFY Transcription Factor</a> </p> <p> Data files were processed using steps adapted from iPlant tutorial: </p> <p><a href="">Using the iPlant Discovery Environment and Atmosphere for Advanced ChIP-seq Analysis</a>
Name | Last modified | Size | Description | |
Parent Directory | - | |||
LFY.bedgraph.gz | 2017-07-25 14:59 | 27M | BedGraph (wiggle) format file | |
LFY.bedgraph.gz.tbi | 2017-07-25 14:59 | 85K | BedGraph (wiggle) format file | |
LFY_filtered_summit_extended.bed.gz | 2017-07-25 14:59 | 24K | Annotation or junction file | |
LFY_filtered_summit_extended.bed.gz.tbi | 2017-07-25 14:59 | 9.8K | Tabix index file | |
CNTRL.bam.bai | 2017-07-25 14:59 | 256K | ||
LFY.bam | 2017-07-25 14:59 | 665M | ||
CNTRL.bam | 2017-07-25 15:00 | 264M | ||
CNTRL.bedgraph.gz | 2017-07-25 15:00 | 6.0M | BedGraph (wiggle) format file | |
LFY-binding-sites.pptx | 2017-07-25 15:00 | 708K | ||
LFY.bam.bai | 2017-07-25 15:00 | 281K | ||
CNTRL.bedgraph.gz.tbi | 2017-07-25 15:00 | 69K | BedGraph (wiggle) format file | |
peakranger_results/ | 2017-07-25 15:00 | - |
<h2>Data processing protocol</h2> <p> Steps starting with $ indicate commands executed at the UNIX prompt. </p> <hr> <pre> Get files from Short Read Archive and save to new local directory SRP003928 $ wget -nd -nH -r -P SRP003928 Convert to fastq: $ fastq-dump *.sra Creates four files: SRR070382.fastq SRR070383.fastq SRR070384.fastq SRR070385.fastq For each file, do the following: Align onto genome using soap 2.21: $ soap -v 2 -r 0 -p 4 -D A_thaliana_Jun_2009.fa.index -a SRR070382.fastq -o SRR070382.out Convert output to sam format using from soap distribution. $ SRR070382.out > SRR070382.sam Convert .sam files to sorted, indexed bam files. $ samtools view -t genome.txt -b -u -S SRR070382.sam -o - | samtools sort - SRR070382 Note: genome.txt is <a href="">genome.txt</a>. Merge Control and IP sample alignment files: $ samtools merge CNTRL.bam SRR070382.bam SRR070383.bam $ samtools index CNTRL.bam $ samtools merge LFY.bam SRR070384.bam SRR070385.bam $ samtools index LFY.bam Run peakranger 1.16 as in iPlant tutorial <a href=""></a>. $ peakranger ranger --format bam --ext_length 200 --FDR 0.01 -d LFY.bam -c CNTRL.bam -o LFY1 -t 4 --delta 0.8 --bandwidth 99 Creates files: LFY_details LFY_region.bed LFY_summit.bed Filter pvalue 0 peaks from LFY1_summit.bed: $ grep pval_0 LFY_summit.bed > LFY_summit_filtered.bed Expand summits 50 bases on both (-b) sides: $ slopBed -b 50 -i LFY_summit_filtered.bed -g genome.txt > LFY_summit_filtered_extended.bed slopBed is a program from the BedTools suite. Google bedtools for more information. Sort and index the summit file for distribution: $ sort -n1,1 -n2,2n LFY_summit_filtered.bed | bgzip > LFY_summit_filtered_extended.bed.gz $ tabix -p bed LFY_summit_filtered_extended.bed.gz Use PeakRanger to make coverage graph files from the bam format files: $ peakranger wigpe -d LFY.bam -o LFY This makes LFY.wig Sort, compress and index, after removing track and comment lines: $ grep -v '#' LFY.wig | grep -v 'track' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bgzip > LFY.bedgraph.gz $ tabix -p bed LFY.bedgraph.gz Repeat for the control. C'est tout! </pre>